Massage techniques can be combined with McTimoney chiropractic adjustments to provide a holistic approach to treatment for the individual animal. This therapy can be applied prior to spinal manipulation to relax the associated muscles and fascia in preparation for adjustment or following animal chiropractic care to assist the body in maintaining the adjustments made. Maintenance of muscular health is vital due to the effects of muscle injury on behaviour, performance and lameness. A variety of massage, mobilisation and stretching techniques are combined to provide an appropriate treatment for the animal.
Benefits of massage include:
Stimulating muscles
Relieving symptoms of discomfort
Enhancing circulation
Improving muscle tone and range of motion
Increasing rate of toxin removal
Reducing tissue adhesion following injury

The technique of McTimoney chiropractic is a less vigorous but equally effective version of typical chiropractic treatment. McTimoney is a holistic approach of treating musculoskeletal misalignment, dysfunction or discomfort. Relatively gentle and quick adjustments are applied to the musculoskeletal system, using only the practitioner’s hands, to encourage the body to heal through innate intelligence. It is particularly important that the vertebrae are aligned due to providing protection for the spinal cord, forming the main structure for the body and attaching to many muscles.
Benefits of McTimoney include:
Reducing pain
Restoring symmetry and performance
Promoting healing
Reducing re-occurrence and degeneration
Enhancing well-being and quality of life
Improving co-ordination and balance