A comprehensive history of your dog will be taken to identify previous injuries or management techniques which may contribute to your dog's ongoing treatment.
Your dog will be assessed whilst walking and trotting in hand. Neurological tests may be performed if any compromise is suspected.
The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and subsequent Amendments Order 2015 state that veterinary permission must be granted prior to treatment.
Your dog will be palpated to identify any misalignments within the skeletal structure. These misalignments will then be treated using McTimoney adjustments and massage techniques.
Your dog's conformation will be assessed to determine if there are any factors predisposing your dog to injury.
Rehabilitative and aftercare advice will be tailored to your individual dog. This may include stretches or referral for further treatment, such as hydrotherapy.
Misalignments may have different causes and symptoms due to the varied activities that each dog is required to undertake and these may differ further between sports. Causes of misalignments can also be acute, such as a collision with another dog or a slip when turning in flyball, or chronic, such as conformational issues or age.
Common symptoms that may respond to treatment include:
Decreased performance
Change in behaviour (becoming more aggressive or intolerant)
Reluctance to jump up or down steps or into or out of the car
Difficulty with ascending or descending the stairs
Change in gait patterns (beginning to pace or crab)
Asymmetrical muscle development or areas of muscle atrophy
Loss of interest in play with toys or other dogs when previously interested
Discomfort when laying on one side
Difficulty moving between positions (sit, stand and down)